
Entity Definition

Logical Name : CarrierAccount
Physical Name : LE_CRR_ACNT

An explicitly identified relationship between a Carrier and a different Party. A CarrierAccount entity enable retailers to support scenarios where a shipment or return transport fee is handle by the same carrier, but charged to two separate and distinct accounts with that carrier. It is fairly common for a retailer to have more than one account with FedEx or UPS. For example, retailer paid delivery may be assigned to one acccount while customer paid delivery fees may be assigned to a different account.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
CarrierAccountNumber (PK) The account number assigned to the retailer by the Carrier for invoicing and delivery service ordering purposes. ID_CRR_ACNT Identity integer
CarrierID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Carrier. ID_CRR Identity integer Carrier(PA_CRR)
EffectiveDate Date and time a CarrierAccount is active for tansportation management and tracking purposes. DC_EF_DT EffectiveDate date
ExpirationDate Date and time a CarrierAccount is no longer active for tansportation management and tracking purposes. DC_EP_DT ExpirationDate datetime
PartyContactMethodID (FK) A token identifier for a PartyContactMethod entity type instance. ID_PRTY_CNCT_MTH Identity integer PartyContactMethod(CO_MTH_CNCT_PTY)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
PartyContactMethod is paid for by CarrierAccount
Carrier may be paid or billed through CarrierAccount
CarrierAccount is charged to CustomerOrderShipment
CarrierAccount is alternately charged to CustomerOrderShipment

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